You NEED This Genius Hack for Putting Hair Extensions In

Eva Pautov
by Eva Pautov
4 Materials
15 Minutes

No one wants short hair peeking through their extensions.

Here, I’m going to show you what you can do to remedy this problem so that your hair extensions sit beautifully on your head and there isn’t any short hair peeking out from underneath.

Tools and materials:

  • Hair tie
  • Hair extensions
  • Claw clip
  • Bobby pin
Hair before

Clipping hair

1. Clip up hair

Clip up the top section of your hair so that only the underneath part is down.

Braiding hair

2. Braid bottom section

Now, braid this bottom section of hair.

Pinning hair up

3. Pin hair up

Snake the braid into a circle so that it forms a flat bun. Then, pin the bun down with a bobby pin.

Applying hair extensions

4. Apply hair extensions

Now, apply your hair extensions over the bun. Then, let the top part of your hair down.

Hair after with extensions

Genius hack for putting hair extensions in

My hair extensions are in, and there is no short hair showing from underneath.

Whether you’ve encountered this problem before or you’ve never worn hair extensions but might do in the future, I hope you found this tutorial helpful, and it taught you something new.

For more hair inspiration, check out this Double bubble braid tutorial.

Follow my TikTok for more great content:     @evapautov

Suggested materials:
  • Hair tie
  • Hair extensions
  • Claw clip
See all materials

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