Make a Crossover Mango T-shirt in Just 30 Minutes!

Meera Kaneria
by Meera Kaneria
3 Materials
30 Minutes

I love Mango's style! They have some interesting, fashionable items! One of the things that caught my eye was the Mango crossover back t-shirt. This Mango t-shirt is so cool and fabulous; I had to recreate my own with an old t-shirt I had on hand. If you want to upcycle your own t-shirt and transform it into this easy Mango t-shirt, then join me as I walk you through the super-simple steps. Let's get started.

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Tools and materials:

  • T-shirt
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine

DIY Mango t-shirt

Measure the bottom part

Lay your t-shirt on a flat surface, with the backside facing up. Mark, with a pencil, how much fabric from the bottom you are going to keep. Remember to follow the curve as you draw the line. The Mango crossover t-shirt is only cut in the middle, so there's still a whole panel of fabric that's intact at the bottom.

Make a Mango t-shirt

Cut the seams

Now, follow the seam of the t-shirt and cut. Only cut one side of the shirt. Start by the neckline, going all the way across the shoulder seam, down the side seams, and across the line you just drew. Leave the sleeves intact.

Easy Mango t-shirt

This is what it should look like.

How to make a Mango t-shirt

Twist the Mango t-shirt

Now for the fun part! Take the loose end of the shirt ( where you cut the seams) and twist the back of the mango t-shirt twice; you should have a knot in the upper part.

Mango brand t-shirt

Stitch in place

Now, line up your side seams and stitch them back in place. Make sure your t-shirt is inside out so that the right sides of the fabric face each other.

Mango crossover back t-shirt

Take in the bottom panel

After stitching the side seams back together, my lower back panel was extremely loose. So, I took it in on the side.

I wore the t-shirt and took in the back panel on the side. Then I marked the section that I needed to cut off.

Cut off the extra fabric as shown.

Now, reattach it by stitching the side seams together.

Here's the outcome! How cool does this look? A real upcycle! This was definitely an easy Mango t-shirt project, and I can't wait to do this to more of my old shirts! I totally love this look, and I'm pretty confident you do too! Now you can wear an old shirt, and rock it too!

Suggested materials:
  • T-shirt
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine

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3 of 10 comments
  • Grandmasue10 Grandmasue10 on Jun 04, 2021

    That looks so much easier than I thought. Love your ceativity.

  • P P on Jul 31, 2021

    Hot tip!you can use a stapler instead of straight pins to 'pin' your sewing - push the platen on the base- where the staples normally come out & lay in a little slot - push up the 'tray' from bottom of stapler & turn it - now staples will come out straight - like pins!
