How to Wear a Large Silk Scarf in 3 Easy Ways

1 Material
2 Minutes

In this tutorial, I’m showing you how to wear a large silk scarf in three different ways.

All three styles have the same triangular base fold so you’ll easily remember them. The large silk scarf I’m styling today is a Russian silk shawl. Let’s style!

Tools and materials:

  • Large silk scarf
Cowl neck style

1. Cowl neck style

1. Wrap the silk scarf around your neck

Starting with the triangular base fold, wrap the long side of the silk scarf to the back of the neck

Cowl neck style

2. Cross the sides over each other

Cross each side to the opposite side and tighten it around your neck.

Cowl neck style

3. Insert the tail into the inside of the scarf

Pull the tail of the scarf through the inside of the scarf and let it hang down behind the triangle.

Cowl neck style

Here’s the styled large silk scarf!

2. Twisted style

Twisted style

1. Twist your scarf

Starting again with the triangular fold, twist up your scarf around itself.

Twisted style

2. Place it around your neck

Place it around your neck, so the triangle hangs in the front. Cross it in the back and bring the tails forward.

Twisted style

3. Knot the tail to the scarf

Wrap the tail around the part of the scarf around your neck and pull it through the loop into a knot. Tuck the tail behind the scarf.

Twisted style

Here’s the finished styled large silk scarf!

3. Fancy style: Variation 1

This style has three variations.

Fancy style: Variation 1

1. Fold the scarf 

From the triangular base fold, fold your scarf in half again.

Fancy style: Variation 1

2. Pull the inside tail through the scarf

Wrap the scarf around your neck and pull the inside tail through the loop (or the folded tip).

Fancy style: Variation 1

3. Tie the tails

Tie the inside tail and the outside tail together.

Fancy style: Variation 1

4. Adjust

Adjust the scarf so the tied tails are closest to the neck and the bulk of the scarf hangs down. 

Fancy style: Variation 1

Here’s the finished styled large silk scarf! 

3. Fancy style: Variation 2

Fancy style: Variation 2

1. Tighten the scarf

Tighten the tied tails so the bulk of the scarf that hangs down is much larger.

Fancy style: Variation 2

Like this. Let it hang so it looks almost like a tie.

Fancy style: Variation 2

Here’s the styled large scarf!

3. Fancy style: Variation 3

Fancy style: Variation 3

1. Pull the scarf through 

Loosen the tie and pull the scarf through so there are two separate strands.

Fancy style: Variation 3

2. Bunch the scarf 

Bunch the scarf up around the front.

Fancy style: Variation 3

Here’s the finished styled large silk scarf.

How to wear a large silk scarf

Now you know how to wear a long silk scarf in three different styles (and some bonus variations!)

Let me know which style is your favorite down below.

And, for more scarf content, check out my post on 3 Fun Ways to Tie an Oblong Scarf.

Suggested materials:
  • Large silk scarf

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