The Best Melt & Pour Shampoo Bar Recipe: 4 Ingredients, 6 Easy Steps

by LAurenrdaniels
9 Materials
1 Day

In this DIY I’m going to show you the best melt and pour shampoo bar recipe. If you love creating your own beauty products, then this is one that you don’t want to miss out on.

The recipe is super easy and straightforward and creates gorgeous fragrant shampoo bars that you won't be able to get enough of.

Tools and materials:

  • Lidded pot
  • Soap making kit
  • Alcohol spray
  • Melt & pour soap base
  • Castor oil
  • Shea butter
  • Essential oils
  • Heat safe container
  • Measuring spoons
Boiling water for the melt and pour soap

1. Boil some water

Fill the pot halfway with water. Put the lid on and place it on a medium-high heat. 

Shampoo bar melt and pour recipe

2. Cut the melt and pour soap, then add to the pot

Cut your soap base into smaller pieces; the smaller, the better. Add the pieces to the heat-safe container and then place the heat-safe container inside the pot. Let the soap base melt.

Can you make shampoo bars with melt and pour?

3. Add shea butter

Once it has started melting, add two teaspoons of shea butter. Then cover the pot until the mixture has completely melted.

Check on it often for clumps. If you still see clumps, then it’s not ready yet. When there aren’t any clumps, then it’s ready.

Make shampoo bars from melt and pour

4. Add castor oil and essential oils

Remove the pot from the heat and add four teaspoons of castor oil to the soap mixture. Then add 25 drops of lavender essential oil, 15 drops of rosemary essential oil, 10 drops of peppermint essential oil. Stir the mixture well to combine.

Pouring the mixture into a soap mold

5. Pour mixture into the soap mold

An optional but recommended step is to spray the base of the soap-making kit with alcohol to discourage air bubbles first. Then, pour in the soap mixture, cover, and allow it to set for 24 hours.

Cutting the DIY melt and pour shampoo bars

6. Cut the shampoo bars

24 hours later, carefully remove the block of soap from the mold and proceed to cut it into bars.

How to use the DIY shampoo bar

How to use the DIY shampoo bar

To use the shampoo bar, wet your hair, wet the bar, and then rub the shampoo bar into your hair. Scrub a dub dub! Rinse and repeat.

Best melt and pour shampoo bar recipe

Best melt and pour shampoo bar recipe

That’s how you can easily make a melt and pour shampoo bar! The combination of lavender, rosemary, and peppermint oils creates the most gorgeous smelling fragrance that fills the whole shower with a wonderful aroma. I hope you’ll give it a go!

Suggested materials:
  • Lidded pot
  • Soap making kit
  • Alcohol spray
See all materials

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