How to DIY an Easy and Effective Acne Scar Cream

by ModaMob
7 Materials
10 Minutes

When I was 16, I had a lot of acne, like many teenagers. I used to pop my pimples, which I regret now because it led to large pores and acne scars.

So, if you're a teenager with acne, please don't touch or pop your pimples. It's important to keep them clean and avoid any scarring.

But if you do need to treat your acne scars, here is an easy and quick DIY acne scar cream.

This acne scar treatment DIY uses simple household products that are probably already in your kitchen, so let’s get started!

Tools and materials:

  • Sweet almond oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey
  • Milk
  • Honey jar or container
  • Cotton swabs
  • Refrigerator (for storing)
Mixing the ingredients

1. Mix the ingredients

Mix the following ingredients in a honey jar. 

Start by adding 2 tablespoons of milk.

Then add 1 tablespoon of juice.

Next add 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil, followed by 1 tablespoon of honey. 

First, add the milk, then the lemon juice, sweet almond oil, and finally, the honey.

Shaking ingredients

2. Shake it up

Put a lid on the jar, and give it a good shake. 

Make sure everything is mixed thoroughly. It might take a bit of shaking to blend the honey well with the other ingredients.

Applying DIY scar cream

3. Apply your DIY acne scar cream

Now that our mixture is ready, we can start using it. This isn't a full face mask; it's just for your acne scars. It's like a spa treatment for your face. 

Take a cotton swab, dip it into the mixture, and apply it directly to your acne scars. 

Do this once a day for about ten days, and you should start to see a decrease in the appearance of the scars. 

4. Store your DIY acne cream

A quick note: because this mixture contains milk, it's a good idea to store it in the refrigerator and not leave it out.

This will help preserve its freshness and effectiveness.

Glowing skin after using Applying DIY scar cream

DIY scar cream

This DIY acne scar treatment is super easy to make and use. Just apply it once a day for ten days, and you'll be on your way to reducing your acne scars. I hope you find this solution as helpful as I did. 

Please leave a comment and let us know how this acne scar treatment worked for you.

Next, check out our Easy DIY Under Eye Cream Recipe.

Suggested materials:
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey
See all materials

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