Easy Hair Stroke Eyebrow Tutorial

Lola Bello
by Lola Bello
8 Materials
10 Minutes

Hello beautiful people! This is a detailed tutorial on how to draw hair strokes for your eyebrows. Just follow the steps and you will get it right.

Tools and materials:

  • Setting powder
  • Eyebrow brush (spoolie)
  • Brow pencil
  • Eye pencil sharpener
  • Tinted brow gel 
  • Lighter concealer shade
  • Darker concealer shade
  • Flat brush

1. Set your brows

First, set your brows with a setting powder. Blend the powder into the brow until it disappears. 

Setting brows

2. Brush your brows

Next, use a brow brush (spoolie) to brush your brows upward.

Brushing brows

3. Draw the brow outline

Consider the 3 points of your eyebrows.

Where to draw

I like to use a wooden pencil because you can sharpen it for an exacting tip. Be sure to sharpen it as it gets dull. 

Drawing on brows

Start drawing the lower outline.

Drawing on brows

Then draw the upper outline from the arch to join the lower outline.

Drawing on brows

Extend the outline toward the upper line of the beginning of the brow, parallel to the lower starting point.

Drawing on brows

Repeat on the other brow using the same outline guide points. 

Drawing on brows

4. Apply tinted brow gel

Choose a brow gel to match your eyebrow color. 

Brow gel

Brush the brow gel upward to mimic the growth of the hair. 

Apply brow gel

Repeat on the other side.

Apply brow gel

Once the brow gel is dry, use your dry brow brush again to brush the hair upward. 

Apply brow gel

5. Draw in the eyebrow strokes

Use your sharp brow pencil to draw in upward strokes from the beginning brow point. 

Drawing eyebrow strokes

Follow the curve of the brow as you make more strokes. You may need to resharpen the pencil to maintain sharp strokes. 

Drawing eyebrow strokes

No need for perfect strokes here because natural brows are imperfect.

Drawing eyebrow strokes

Make strokes on the other side as well.

Drawing eyebrow strokes

6. Highlight your brow

Transfer concealer from the back of your hand onto a flat brush, making sure to cover both sides evenly.

Highlighting brow

Then apply some concealer in a line, starting from beneath the lower brow line. 

Highlighting brow

Gradually bring down the concealer to allow for easier blending later. 

Highlighting brow

Next, apply a darker concealer shade under the front of your eyebrow, slightly overlapping with the light concealer shade.

Bring the darker shade downward as well.

Highlighting brow

Touch up the light shade by bringing it to the end of the brow.

Highlighting brow

7. Blend

Once the concealer is slightly dry, begin blending it in with a clean brush.


8. Highlight and blend under your other brow

Highlight with both shades under your other brow and blend. 

Adding darker concealer

9. Detail with the dark concealer 

Under the beginning and end points of the brows, blend in some of the darker concealer. 

Adding darker concealer

10. Upper brow highlighting

Position your hand like I am and drag your lighter concealer from the middle toward the arch. 

Adding darker concealer

When you get to the arch, adjust your hand position and continue to apply the concealer downward to follow the outline.

Adding darker concealer

Join the concealer at the tail.

Adding darker concealer

Then blend it out gradually to the bottom of your forehead.

Adding darker concealer

Then address your other brow in the same way.

Adding darker concealer

11. Finishing touches

At the end, raise your eyebrows and see if they look even. If not, make any corrections that you see fit. 

Finishing touches

Here are the final results of my hair stroke eyebrow routine:

Hair stroke eyebrows

Hair stroke eyebrows

Was this hair stroke eyebrow tutorial useful for you? Let me know in the comments!

You might also like to learn how to trim your brows with this easy eyebrow tutorial for beginners

Next, check out my Easy Color-block Eyeshadow Tutorial.

Suggested materials:
  • Setting powder
  • Eyebrow brush (spoolie)
  • Brow pencil
See all materials

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  • Karen Karen on Aug 07, 2023

    WOW! I ran to the store with my list. Came home very excited, followed step by step and it was as easy as you made it look! Explanation was excellent! Thank you very much!

  • Kassi Kassi on Aug 07, 2023

    Your instructions are so wonderfully detailed. My eyebrows are very sparse and I'm leary of making them look super fake when I fill them in. Using your directions for natural looking brows, I'm confident I can bring attention to my eye area for the right reasons. Thank you!
