How to Make Clip In Hair Extensions Look Natural

Milly Elizabeth
by Milly Elizabeth
1 Material
15 Minutes

You don’t always need to have professional semi permanent extensions for your hair to look longer naturally. As clip in extensions exist and can save you a lot of money.

Clip in extensions can look natural if applied the right way.

I like using Sway extensions as they are affordable and have great quality hair.

The first step is to brush through all of your hair to ensure there are so tangles, then section the hair leaving a very thin section at the nape of the neck. Then use the piece of hair with four clips. And then evenly clip them to each side of your head and then the two in the middle.

Then section a bit more of your hair of your hair about 1cm up from the last section. Then use another 4 clip piece.

Once that is secured I would suggest using a three clip piece as it will be less noticeable from peaking through the sides of your hair.

Depending on how thick your hair is you can add an additional 3 clip piece.

Then I suggest using a 2 clip piece just set back from the side of your head and then a one piece a little high up. Doing this will ensure an even amount of thickness the whole way round, resulting in it looking the most natural.

I would then brush through the hair gently to make it look smooth and at its best.

You can leave it as it is or if you wish use a heated tool to create curls.

apply a 3 piece in the mid section of the head.

Adding the two clip piece to the lower side

Using a one clip piece

Brushing the extensions

Using a heated tool to style the extensions

Suggested materials:
  • Clip in hear extensions   (SWAY)

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