How to DIY a Cute Resin Bracelet

12 Materials
10 Minutes

Follow along with this step-by-step tutorial to make this unique resin bracelet in just 10 minutes. It would make the perfect gift for a friend or to keep for yourself. Let’s get started!

Tools and materials:

  • Cardboard/paper working surface
  • Protective mask and finger tips
  • UV tape
  • Wood toothpick tool
  • UV resin
  • Long lighter
  • Bent tip tweezer
  • Light
  • 3 Bezels
  • 8 Polymer Embeds 
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Jewelry pliers
Securing bezels

1. Secure your bezels

Start by taping down your 3 bezels. Work on top of some cardboard or paper to protect the surface from the resin.

Cut a piece that’s a few inches long and fold one end over so that you have a place to put your finger.

Stick the bezels on with some space between each piece. Make sure they are really on there securely by tapping them down on all the edges. This will ensure that the liquid resin stays in place.

Adding the first drops of resin

2. Adding the first drops of resin

Put on your mask and finger tips for protection from the resin.

Now, squeeze just a drop into each shape of the bezels. The hearts are particularly tiny, so those only need a very small drop.

Adding the first drops of resin

If you squeezed a bit too much in, use a small wooden toothpick tool to scrape some out.

Spreading the resin

3. Spread the resin and pop bubbles

Then go around the edges with the toothpick to spread the resin evenly.

Popping bubbles

Use a long lighter to pop any bubbles. The bubbles tend to hide near the edges, so look out for them.

Popping bubbles

4. Insert embed decorations

Using a bent tip tweezer, pick up your embeds and place them inside the resin in the bezels.

Adding embeds

Move them in place using the toothpick.

Adding embeds

For smaller pieces, pour the embeds on the work surface, dip the toothpick in resin and use that to grab those tiny parts.

Adding embeds

5. Dry them

Since the bezels are so small, you can dry them all at once for 60-90 seconds using your UV LED light. 

UV LED light

Now, flip the tape over and dry again for another 60-90 seconds so that the light reaches the other side too.

Adding more resin

6. Add more resin

Next, add more resin to cover the embeds, without overflowing the bezels. You can always add more resin but it’s hard to take some away. 

Adding more resin

Use the toothpick to make sure the resin reaches all the edges. If it doesn’t, then you need to add more.

Removing bubbles

Use the lighter again to remove bubbles.

Removing bubbles

7. Dry

Put the pieces under the UV light for another 60 seconds.

LED UV light

8. Remove the bezels

These DIY resin charms are starting to look so cute! Now that the resin has completely dried, remove the bezels from the tape.

If there is any tape leftover on the pieces, use rubbing alcohol and a napkin to remove it.

Removing bezels

9. Attach the bezels

Using a jewelry plier, attach a jump ring to one of the bezel pieces. Then close up the jump ring.

Attaching bezels

Attach this first bezel to another jump ring and the second bezel.

Adding the chain

10. Add the chain

Now, add jump rings to the outer sides of the bezels on either side, then just attach the chain pieces to those jump rings.

Adding the chain

Make sure to squeeze each jump ring tightly so the bracelet will stay intact.

Adding a clasp

11. Add a clasp

Lay the bracelet out to find the middle of the chain.

Finding middle of the chain

Now cut the chain in half.

Cutting chain

Then, on one side, add another jump ring and the clasp after it.

Closing jump ring

When you close up the jump ring, make sure the two sides are touching each other face to face.

Closing jump ring

Then, attach a final jump ring to the other side where the lobster clasp will connect.

Attaching lobster clasp

And now you have this cute, dainty, DIY resin bracelet!

DIY resin bracelet

DIY resin bracelet

DIY resin bracelet

Now you’ve seen how quick and easy it is to use UV resin! I love how cute this bracelet is.

Let us know in the comments below if you would try this UV resin tutorial.

Suggested materials:
  • Cardboard/paper working surface
  • Protective mask and finger tips
  • UV tape
See all materials

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