3 Quick & Easy DIY T-shirt Hacks That Will Transform Your Old Tees

Jessica Shaw
by Jessica Shaw
9 Materials
2 Hours

Bored of your plain t-shirts? In this tutorial, I'll show you three different t-shirt hacks that will turn your old t-shirts into something new and trendy. These DIY t-shirt ideas are so simple and interesting! Ready to liven up your wardrobe? Let’s start!

Tools and materials:

  • T-shirts
  • Scissors
  • Elastic
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Chalk
  • Fabric glue
  • Ruler
  • Thread

1. DIY off-the-shoulder t-shirt

DIY cut t-shirt

1. Cut the t-shirt

This DIY t-shirt hack is an amazing transformation. Start by cutting off a strip from the bottom. Use a ruler to get the line as straight as possible.

DIY t-shirt ideas

Next, draw a line on the top part, as shown. You will be cutting out the edge of the top sleeves, as well as the collar section.

How to make a t-shirt off-the-shoulder

2. Create a casing

Both the raw edges will have elastic. To encase the elastic, fold the raw edges over to create a casing. Pin all around, so the fabric stays in place.

DIY t-shirt design

Next, stitch the fold to secure but make sure to leave a gap both on the top and bottom casing for the elastic to be fed through.

Feeding the elastic throuh the casing

3. Feed through the elastic

Attach a safety pin to the end of your elastic and use it to feed through the elastic in the casing itself. The safety pin will help maneuver the elastic with ease. 

When done, stitch the elastic ends and close the gap.

DIY off-the-shoulder t-shirt

And you’re done! You have a DIY cut shirt that’s transformed into an off-the-shoulder crop top! No one would have ever guessed this was a t-shirt.  

2. DIY drawstring t-shirt

Cutting a strip from the scrap fabric

1. Cut the shirt

This is an amazing style and easy to follow! First, cut off a section from the bottom. From that section, cut out a strip as shown. Make sure to use a ruler for this one as you need it to be as straight as possible.

Measuring the center of the t-shirt

2. Measure the center

Now, measure the center of your t-shirt and draw a line straight down. Then draw two lines on each side of the centerline. The lines will be your guide for the next step.

Applying fabric glue to the fabric strip

3. Glue the fabric strip

With the help of your trusted fabric glue, stick down the fabric strip along the lines. Start from the bottom and work your way around so that there are two strips.

Don’t glue it down completely; you need to create a tunnel so that you can feed through another strip of fabric. 

Sewing a drawstring for the casing

4. Sew a drawstring

From the panel of fabric, you cut out, measure another strip, and cut accordingly. Fold the fabric in half and sew the raw edges together. 

Turning the drawstring right sides out

With the help of a safety pin, turn the strip inside out. You now have a draw string for your DIY t-shirt design!

Feeding the drawstring into the casing

5. Insert the drawstring

Now, feed the pull string through the casing of the strips you glued on. 

DIY drawstring t-shirt

Pull the string to have a funky, ruffled design. Tie a bow at both ends to finish off the look! How awesome is this style?

3. DIY wraparound top

Making straps for the wraparound t-shirt

1. Make the straps

This style is going to blow your mind! Start by cutting the bottom panel. The actual top should be short, but the length is up to you.

From the panel you just cut off, measure two thick strips, and cut out accordingly. These will be the straps that you’ll wrap around your waist. 

Sewing the straps

Fold the strips in half and stitch the raw edges together. 

Turning the straps right sides out

With the help of a safety pin, turn the straps inside out and press so they are nice and straight. 

Taking in the sides of the t-shirt

2. Take in the sides

To make the shirt more fitting, take in the sides as shown. Draw a diagonal line on each side seam and cut. 

Cutting out the collar of the t-shirt

Also, cut out the collared area as shown.

How to turn a t-shirt into a v-neck top

With your ruler, measure a diagonal line across the shirt, starting from the bottom corner until the center of the v-neck. Cut along the line when done.

Sewing the new sides seams of the t-shirt

3. Stitch and assemble

Stitch the side seams.

DIY t-shirt hacks

Then, take the scraps that you cut from the side seams ( there should be two triangles) and stitch them together on the longer side. 

Pinning the triangles to the edges of the t-shirt

Pin this to the side edge of the t-shirt as shown. The extra fabric will allow for a total wrap-around effect. Hem all the raw edges for a finished look.

Sewing the straps to the bottom corners

Stitch the edges of the straps to both bottom corners of the shirt.

DIY wraparound v-neck t-shirt

How stunning is this DIY t-shirt? It’s super simple and trendy! 

DIY t-shirt hacks

There you have it, three DIY t-shirt hacks that you can’t go wrong with! So, the next time you have a t-shirt that you’d like to spruce up, make sure to use one of the styles above for the perfect transformation.

Let me know in the comments which of these three hacks is your favorite.

Suggested materials:
  • T-shirts
  • Scissors
  • Elastic
See all materials

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2 of 9 comments
  • Bonnie Bonnie on Apr 26, 2024

    Loved, loved, loved the t-shirt re-vamping. I definitely will be trying.

  • Linda Linda 4 days ago

