How to DIY 12 Cute and Easy Christmas Hair Accessories

The DIY Designer
by The DIY Designer
16 Materials
20 Minutes

Today, I’m going to show you some DIY Christmas hair accessories.

We’re going to be making a whole bunch of cut hair accessories that you can easily make with bits and bobs that you have at home.

Tools and materials:

  • Hair bands
  • Hair clips
  • Hair combs
  • Hair barrettes
  • E6000 
  • Glue gun
  • Rhinestones
  • Fringe trim
  • Chain 
  • Jump ring
  • Pliers 
  • Lobster clasp
  • Trim
  • Fabric applique
  • Scalloped trim
  • Scissors
Adding jewels to headband

Bejeweled headband

1. Place jewels on headband

Take a thick black headband together with some rhinestones with pearls or jewels around them.

Create the design by picking your colors and your spacing so that when it's time to glue them, you can just add them on.

Leave the bottom inch of the headband untouched so that you don't end up with a rhinestone right behind your ear.

Adding jewels to headband

2. Glue one side

Glue on one side and then give it 30 minutes to dry.

Adding jewels to headband

3. Glue the other side

Once it's time to move to the next side, you really want to make sure you're matching your first side.

Bejeweled headband

This is the finished result! I think that it’s perfect for the holiday season.

Fringe trim hair comb

Making fringe trim hair comb

1. Glue fringe to comb

Take a clear hair comb, grab some fringe trim, and glue it on with E6000.

If you like, you can make two rows of fringe trim by stacking one on top of the other.

Fringe trim hair comb

I love the movement of this piece. I did a French twist and added the comb vertically alongside it, and it looks great.

Jeweled clip

Making jeweled clip

1. Add jump ring and clasp to chain

Open a jump ring, slide your chain onto one side, the lobster clasp onto the other, and then close the jump ring back up.

Making jeweled clip

2. Repeat

Repeat on the other side of the chain.

Making jeweled clip

3. Add more chains

Now, we’re going to add two more chains on - each chain longer than the previous one.

Open up the jump ring again on either side and add the two other chains onto it. Now, simply hook it onto your claw clip.

Jeweled clip

Look at how cool that looks! This is an awesome thing that you can do with an old necklace.

Headband with trim

Making headband with trim

1. Cut trim to length

Next up, take a velvet headband and some decorative trim.

Cut the trip so that it is the length of the headband, again avoiding the area right behind your ears.

Making headband with trim

2. Glue on

Glue it on with E6000, starting in the center and working outwards.

Headband with trim

The trim on the headband has a sparkle, and it just has a really cool vintage, romantic, feminine effect.

Headband with fringe

Now we’re making another headband, this time using some silver trim that is solid three-quarters of the way down and then becomes a fringe.

Making headband with fringe

1. Glue fringe on headband

Apply your hot glue only to the solid areas and not the open areas so that when you press it down, you're not going to see any of the glue through the other side.

I attached the solid part to the headband and then left the fringe parts loose.

Headband with fringe

Here is the finished look!

Applique hair combs

Making applique hair combs

1. Attach combs to applique

Take some fabric and sequined applique and attach clear plastic hair combs to it with hot glue.

Apply some combs in the center and then another two at either edge.

Applique hair combs

Here, I threw my hair in a low, messy bun and then clipped it on. This is so epic, and the clips hold it in place perfectly.

Cut-up applique

Making cut-up applique

1. Stick applique to comb

Use little pieces of cut-up applique left over from other projects. Take your glue gun and stick some pieces onto the top of a clear comb.

Cut-up applique

It looks so pretty, and it's such a cool way to elevate a simple ponytail.

Giant bow

Making giant bow

1. Tie a bow

Take some trim that is scalloped on both sides and tie a big bow with two super-long tails.

Making giant bow

2. Insert clip

Then, take a crocodile clip and clip it through the back, and that’s it - no glue required. 

Making giant bow

3. Cut off ends

Cut the end of the tails at a point and then clip it into your hair.

Giant bow

It is really feminine and a little goth-like.

Zigzag hair band

Making zigzag hair band

1. Glue trim to headband

Take a zigzag headband and glue some studded trim on it with E6000.

This does take some time because you need to wait for each section to dry and then give the completed headband 24 hours to fully dry.

Zigzag hair band

The headband now sparkles in such a beautiful way and creates a really cool detail in your hair.

DIY Christmas hair accessories

There we have loads of different stylish hair accessories that you can make for the festive season with bits and bobs that you have in your art supplies box.

Let me know which accessory you like best.

Next, learn 3 Sparkly Ways to Embellish a Tulle Skirt for a Cute DIY Party Outfit.

Suggested materials:
  • Hair bands
  • Hair clips
  • Hair combs
See all materials

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