How to Make Eco Friendly DIY Hair Grips

Susan Goode
by Susan Goode
3 Materials
1 Hour

I love using eco friendly products and these Tagua Nuts ( A non edible nut often called vegetable ivory from Equador ) are great colourful and very durable strong and perfect fit for my DIY Antique brass Hair grips .

Glue Tagua beads and epoxy resin
Mix epoxy resin

I use a copper coin to mix up some strong epoxy resin glue ready to secure the Tagua Nut beads In place in the bezel Cup of the hair grip.

Mix epoxy resin
Mix the hardener In well

I place the glue mix around the Inside edges of the bezel cup With a pin and swirl it around inside the base too.

Glue inside bezel cup
Stick in the Tagua beads

I choose the perfect size that fits in centre of the cup and press down firmly. I wipe off extra glue seepage before it drys.

Glue in the bead

I have a contrasting dark round bead to slot into the little hole. This creates an unusual eye look to the hair grip. I keep this Design going with a further five grips using various different colours.

Adding beads to bezel cup
Making six grips in various colours

Leave to dry and clean up any excess glue before it sets.

ans hey presto six new wonderful eye catching hair grips for Just a few pence!

Eco friendly Tagua hair grips
DIY Hair grip
Eco friendly hair grips
Suggested materials:
  • Epoxy resin glue   (Amazon)
  • Brass bezel cup DIY grips   (Amazon)
  • Tagua nut beads   (Amazon)

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