Easy Makeup Tutorial: How to Apply Blush on Mature Skin

2 Materials
2 Minutes

Today, I'm going to demonstrate how to apply blush on mature skin.

I want to show you how to apply your blusher both correctly to give you an instant lift and also incorrectly, to show you the difference between the two application methods. Let’s get started on this gorgeous rosy makeup look.

The blushes I’m using are from the Look Fabulous Forever range of makeup, made specifically for mature skin. However, you can achieve the same results with any brand of blush.

Tools and materials: 

  • Blusher
  • Blusher brush
Warm makeup

So, to begin, I have put all my makeup on apart from my blusher. I’m warmer in coloring so I've got warmer makeup on. A warmer blusher suits me more than a cool blusher. 

How to apply blusher incorrectly

How to apply blusher incorrectly

First of all, I’m going to demonstrate what the wrong shade looks like by putting the wrong shade on one side of my face and the right shade on the other side. As you can see, the cooler shade isn’t so flattering on me.

Now I'm going to apply the cooler shade in a way that isn’t so flattering, in terms of its color but also its placement. A lot of ladies put their blusher either too high or too low and maybe too heavy, too light, or maybe using the wrong brush. 

I like to apply my brush with my fingers. I’m going to apply this as I smile, as this helps to find the apple of my cheek. I'm going to pop it where the apple is and bring it out. This is how not to apply cream blush on mature skin!

How to apply blusher incorrectly

You can see the color just doesn’t look quite right with my skin tone. While it’s a beautiful color for cool-toned skin, it doesn’t suit me. 

How to apply blusher incorrectly

Now, I’m going to do what a lot of ladies do. I’m going to blend the blusher with the wrong brush. This brush is a powder or bronzer brush and it’s much too big. As you can see, the result isn’t particularly fetching. 

How to apply blusher incorrectly

How to apply blusher correctly

Now, on the other side, I am going to use a different blusher which is a warmer color.

Warmer blusher

I'm still going to find the apple of my cheek but, as we get older, the apple starts to droop a little bit. So, to compensate, I'm going to place my blusher a little higher up. 

How to apply blusher correctly

I'm starting down from the middle of my eye, smiling, and I’m placing a small amount of blush slightly upwards and creating a sort of teardrop shape.

Then, I’m sweeping it up. Now, I’m using my blusher brush — not a powder or bronzer brush — and holding it at the bristles. And I’m blending the blusher in a slightly circular motion.

How to apply blusher correctly

Already, you can see that this warmer color has made a big difference compared to the cooler color. It suits my natural coloring much better.

How to apply blusher correctly

For me, blusher makes all the difference when I've done my eye makeup or if I'm wearing lipstick. It creates balance on the face. But you don’t want the wrong color blusher. And you don’t want it in the wrong place. 

How to apply blush on mature skin

I hope you found this tutorial on how to apply blush on mature skin helpful! If so, please leave a comment down below. We’d love to hear from you!

Suggested materials:
  • Blusher
  • Blusher brush

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3 of 30 comments
  • Linda Linda on Nov 24, 2023

    I found you tutorial very interesting and I can see how the choice of color and placement makes a difference on older skin. thank you

  • Scout Scout on Dec 26, 2023

    Great tutorial

    • Chick mills Chick mills on Dec 27, 2023

      I love the darker colours, lipstick,etc, how do I know what colour I am,I’m blonde but very darker for a blonde especially in the summer,get quite a dark tan.
