10 Simple Tips on How to Dress to Look Slim and Tall

In this tutorial, I'll be sharing 10 simple tips on how to dress to look slim and tall. Let’s start by saying that everyone is beautiful, regardless of their body size! Sometimes, however, wearing an outfit in a certain way can make a difference to the overall look.

Many of my viewers have asked me countless times, “What clothes make you look taller and slimmer?” - so here’s the ultimate guide where I’ll be sharing these secrets. Let’s get started.

Identifying parts of your body that you like

Tip 1 - Identify what you like

It’s time to give yourself a little love and appreciation by identifying the parts of your body that you like. Stand in front of the mirror and identify a part of your body that you love. Is it your eyes or your smile? Perhaps it's a flat belly or a lovely pair of legs.

Now you can go to town on accentuating that feature. This will not only be flattering, but will also make you feel more confident.

Good fitting underwear makes you look slimmer

Tip 2 - Good fitting underwear

Great fitting underwear will always make you look slimmer. For example, a bra that’s fitting too tight will create unnecessary bulges around your chest area. Investing in well-fitting bras will tuck, shape, and lift you for the better.

The same goes for bottom underwear. Avoid oversized or tight underwear as they’ll give you lumps all across your hip area. 

How to use proportions to look slimmer

Tip 3 - Proportion

Considering the proportion of your clothing items is also essential, especially if you want to know how to look slimmer in clothes.

For example, If you’re wearing a blouse with a voluminous aspect to it, always pair it with fitted pants, such as skinny jeans or leggings. Like that, you give an even, proportional ratio to the outfit as a whole. 

Check that your clothes still fit right

Tip 4 - Right-sized clothes

This may seem obvious, but not many people follow the rules on this one. Own a pair of skinny jeans from a few years back? It may still fit you but not fit you right. Check to see that there are no love handles bulging out.

How to dress to look slimmer

Buying the right-sized clothing will instantly cover the area we don't like and highlight the bits that we do. 

Good posture makes you look slim and tall

Tip 5 - Good posture

Good posture can absolutely make you look slimmer, taller, and more confident. Always remember; shoulders over hips and over heels. This instantly gives you some height and elongates your whole frame.

Slouching basically bundles up your entire body and can make you look rounder and fuller. 

A French tuck can make you appear slimmer

Tip 6 - Tuck in your tops

A really simple yet powerful tip is tucking in your tops! It gives your waist definition. This also goes for the ladies who don’t particularly like their waist. When you leave your tops hanging, it creates a flare-like effect and automatically makes you look bigger.

Here, I did a French tuck, tucking in a little in the front, and it definitely does the job, too. 

How to accessorize to appear slim and tall

Tip 7 - Accessorize

Accessories can work wonders in slimming down your shape. Investing in a beautiful necklace or statement earrings will take the attention away from the areas you don’t really want to show off.

I don’t like my legs, so I opt for shifting the attention to the top half of my body by wearing a bold color or a lovely necklace. 

Heels with ankle straps can cut off legs

Tip 8 - Heels

Heels can have a drastic effect on how tall and slim you appear. Heels with ankle straps (as pictured above) cut your legs off and give you a shorter, stumpier appearance.

Elongate legs by wearing heels without straps

If you want to elongate your legs, then invest in a pair of heels that are cropped right down by the toes. 

What clothes make you look taller & slimmer?

Tip 9 - Wearing dark colors

Let’s not forget the popular, faithful rule of wearing dark colors to look slimmer. It will always provide a slimming effect. Black doesn't have to be boring. You could go for a flattering tailored black blazer or a black top with an interesting neckline, so your outfit doesn't look plain.

It’s good to have a reliable collection of quality classic pieces that you know you can turn to if and when you need them. 

How to dress to look slim and tall

Tip 10 - Prints

When you want to look a little slimmer, prints can be tricky. A big print can make you look bigger. Choosing your prints wisely can make a world of difference to your appearance. For example, vertical lines will always make you look slimmer.

How to dress to look slim and tall tutorial

I do hope you liked this style guide on how to look slimmer in clothes. These tips are really doable and can make you feel great, even on those pesky off-days that every woman in the world goes through. I hope you found this helpful. Until next time, happy styling! 

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  • Sandra nicky Sandra nicky on Mar 13, 2022

    What are shoes that are cropped right down to your toes?

  • Faith Faith on Mar 15, 2022

    These tips are the best yet!!!!....it took me 30 years to learn these tips...I wish I had seen this when I was in my 20's.. ( I'm 72 now) thank you!
