How to Create Brooch Pin From Old Crockery

Susan Goode
by Susan Goode
2 Materials
1 Hour

I love to recycle and make something from what might go into landfill. I see potential in old crockery and china tableware. I was donated some lovely broken scratched pieces and so many treasures to upcycle in it!

Old crockery

I love the patterns and deigns on these vintage pieces and use my wheeled tile nippers to cut and shape the china. Remember safety Protection for eyes when cutting.

Cutting with wheeled tile nippers

I find a piece with word Queen on it which I sand and smooth with a carbide sandstone in a mini hand drill.


Remember face mask to prevent dust inhaling .Once all edges are smooth I sand a long patch on the back to create a rough surface without glaze to help fixings hold well.

Sanding back

The two part epoxy resin glue is mixed in equal parts and then I spread a thin layer into back of brooch pin and the back of ceramic to create a sticky bond ready for the pin to adhere to .

Gluing pin

The pins come in various sizes and colours however best to choose one that doesn’t show from the front and sits even onto the ceramic.

Ceramic Brooch pin

I love the little unique Queen brooch pin!

Ceramic brooch
Suggested materials:
  • Epoxy resin glue   (Amazon)
  • Sanding mini hand tool   (Amazon)

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Susan Goode
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