How to Create Amazing Brooch Badge Pin From Your Old Broken Crockery!

Susan Goode
by Susan Goode
2 Materials
1 Hour

I love to re use up cycle old crockery and some of the beautiful designs from vintage mid century ceramics are just too beautiful to go into landfill. I got given an old box of ceramic that was chipped and cracked and thought it was such a treasure trove to create new momentos from.

Old crockery

I begin to cut some pieces that attract me from the box and I use wheeled tile nippers to break through the china and make sure to wear protective eye goggles.

Wheeled tile nippers

I keep nibbling with the wheels to shape the ceramic and create a nice balances shape. It’s so therapeutic to do!

Nibbling china

Using a grinding stone attachment to a mini hand held drill is next step to create a smooth edged piece that feels nice and takes away any sharp bits. As well to create a nice rough back to help stick the brooch pin too.

Sanding wheel

Wearing a face mask is going to stop inhalation of dust particles whilst sanding.

Sanding the back

Sanding a strip on the back ready to give good sticking power to pin.

I use a two part epoxy resin to glue the blank brooch pin by mixing an equal pea sized blob and mixing well then spreading a layer onto the back of the china and also on to the brooch pin. It sets hard within minutes.

Mix resin glue
Brooch pin glued

The result is beautiful

Brooch pin
Brooch pin
Suggested materials:
  • Wheeled tile nippers   (Amazon)
  • Brooch pin backs   (Amazon)

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