How to Make Your Own Natural Deodorant

Vanessa Dixon
by Vanessa Dixon
8 Materials
3 Hours

Hi, guys! In this tutorial, I’m going to be sharing how to make your own natural deodorant. I use a deodorant called Paudha Healing and it’s the best thing ever. I use the citrus blend with baking soda, which works really well because I’m a huge sweater. So, in this tutorial, I decided to do an all-natural deodorant recipe based on this one since it’s such a favorite of mine. Let’s get started!

Best natural deodorant!

Don't have time to make your own? Try this highly reviewed natural deodorant that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Tools and materials:

  • Shea butter
  • Coconut butter or cacao butter
  • Coconut oil
  • Baking soda
  • Arrowroot powder (or organic cornstarch, optional)
  • Orange essential oil (optional)
  • Lemon essential oil (optional)
  • Grapefruit essential oil (optional)
Create a boiler

1. Create a boiler

To create a boiler, heat a saucepan with some water and put a bowl on top. This will help heat the bowl.

Natural deodorant recipe

2. Add coconut/cacao butter, coconut oil, and shea butter

To the bowl, add 1/2-1 cup of coconut butter or cacao butter, 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and 1/2-1 cup of shea butter.

Stirring the melted mixture

Stir the mixture consistently until it melts. 

All natural deodorant recipe

3. Add baking soda and arrowroot powder and mix

Remove from heat and add in 1-3 tablespoons of arrowroot powder (or organic cornstarch) and baking soda, if you’re using it. if you don’t want to use it or if you have a sensitivity to it, that’s totally fine, you can just omit the ingredient. I use it because it’s a great way to eliminate odor.

Homemade natural deodorant

Mix until it’s no longer clumpy and there’s no more powder. It should have a smooth consistency. 

Adding essential oils

4. Add in essential oils

Once it’s cooled a little, add in essential oils if you’re using them. I’ll be adding 10-20 drops each of orange, lemon, and grapefruit essential oil. This step is optional.

DIY natural deodorant

5. Bottle

Now, you can pour the liquid into your containers. You may notice the bottom of your mixture, some of it is starting to set, so you can just scrape the rest of it with a spoon. Let it sit at room temperature until the mixture completely sets, or you can put it in the fridge for a few hours. I put mine in the fridge overnight to set and it was ready by the morning. 

Make your own natural deodorant

Make your own natural deodorant

Once it’s finished, it’s ready to use! It can sit out at room temperature or you can keep it in the fridge. If your climate is warmer, you may notice the coconut oil start to separate a little bit, so you can just keep it in the fridge, but if you didn’t use as much coconut oil, the mixture should hold together really well. It’s up to you.

That’s it for this homemade natural deodorant recipe. If you try it out, let me know what you think down below!

Suggested materials:
  • Shea butter
  • Coconut butter or cacao butter
  • Coconut oil
See all materials

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3 of 26 comments
  • Tra68211856 Tra68211856 on Sep 09, 2023

    If you are allergic to Shae Butter what other carrier can you use?

    • Jve13646180 Jve13646180 on Sep 10, 2023

      Any oil or butter that melts at around body temperature will be fine. Coconut oil blended with cocoa butter will work fine. This formula doesn't really do much, BTW. It's just fragrance oils in a fat based vehicle. The baking soda is merely suspended and can be abrasive, an irritant (pH of about 9 is much higher that sweat pH which is about 5.5), and doesn't do anything to stop odor. Remember, this is NOT an antiperspirant, so the OP's statement about sweating a lot isn't solved by this formula.

      APs are regulated as an OTC drug by the FDA and only has a limited number of approved active ingredients. Deodorants are not specifically regulated, although they do fall under the jurisdiction of Food Drug and Cosmetic Act.

  • Sandra Kron Sandra Kron on Sep 20, 2023

    How much baking soda do you add?
