The GENIUS Reason to Spray Hairspray on Your Toothbrush

Jessica Shaw
by Jessica Shaw
2 Materials
2 Minutes

Grab your hairspray and grab your toothbrush, and use them together!

This is no joke. Follow along to understand the genius reason to spray hairspray on your toothbrush.

Here’s a hint: it has nothing to do with your teeth – it’s simply a genius hair hack!

Best hairspray!

Tame flyaway hair with this bestseller hairspray that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Tools and materials:

  • Toothbrush
  • Hairspray
Checking top of head

1. Check the top of your head

Take a look at the top of your head, around your part line. Can you see any little flyaway hairs? 

If you do, keep reading and find the hair hack to deal with them.

Applying hairspray to toothbrush

2. Tame your fly-aways

Grab a clean, fairly large toothbrush, and spray a bit of hairspray on it. 

Brushing baby hairs down

Now, use your toothbrush like a tiny, little hairbrush and start smoothing down those fly-away hairs.

Brushing baby hairs down

Use it not just along your part line but anywhere that those little fly-aways are happening.

Hair hack

The GENIUS reason to spray hairspray on your toothbrush

Ta-da! No more fly-aways with this hair hack! 

Just make sure to label that toothbrush so you don’t accidentally brush your teeth with it. 

If you give this a try and love it, leave a comment to let me know.

Next, check out these 3 Folding Hacks to Maximize Your Space.

Suggested materials:
  • Toothbrush
  • Hairspray

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2 of 3 comments
  • Rita Fraterrigo Rita Fraterrigo on Mar 31, 2024

    I used hairspray on my brush, but using a toothbrush is a bettter idea. Thanks!

  • Bet ! Bet ! on Apr 01, 2024

    Thank you for this hint . I have very fine hair & am always trying to tame those fly-aways. I will certainly try it !
