How to DIY a Natural Perfume That Won't Harm Your Skin

Vanessa Dixon
by Vanessa Dixon
7 Materials
15 Minutes

Let’s make a DIY natural perfume!

I’m going to show you how to make natural perfume so you can be sure you are not applying anything harmful to your skin. Natural oils for perfume are easy to work with and enable us to create fragrances that are safe to use.

Essential oils like jasmine, neroli, patchouli, lavender, rose, bergamot, and sandalwood, have long been used when making perfume.

These essential oils can be quite pricey, and some perfume manufacturers prefer to use cheap copycats of synthetic scents instead. Most perfumes are a mix of essential oils in an alcohol or carrier oil base.

When smelling a perfume, often the first thing you’ll detect are the top notes. That will be followed by the mid-tones and base notes.

When making perfume you want to select and add the scents in order from base notes to top notes. I recommend adding a few drops at a time of each oil and then keeping notes of how many drops of each oil you’ve added.

Once you’ve discovered your favorite blend and have written it down, you can easily make more of it.

When making perfume, always use a dark bottle. Storing it in a clear bottle risks the perfume going rancid over time. Store the bottle in a cool, dark, dry place that is not exposed to sunlight.

You will also want to make sure the lid is firmly attached to prevent oxidation. Ensure the alcohol you’re using is pure. You should also test a bit of the essential oil on your skin first to make sure there are no negative reactions.

When making perfume, you want to mix the ingredients together in a glass bowl or container. Avoid metal or plastic as they will interfere with the scents.

Tools and materials:

  • Dark glass bottle
  • Pure vodka
  • Patchouli essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Geranium essential oil
  • Rose essential oil
  • Sweet orange or lemon essential oil
DIYing a natural perfume

1. Base and bottle

To make this homemade natural perfume oil, start by adding 2 tablespoons of pure vodka to a dark glass bottle. 

DIYing a natural perfume

2. Add notes in order

Then add in the essential oils, starting with the base notes, and then the middle notes. Finish with the top notes.

Top notes tend to be light and fresh and are usually the first to evaporate, so they don’t last as long as the middle and base notes of the scent.

DIYing a natural perfume

3. The recipe

For this recipe, you want to start by adding 6 drops of patchouli. Then add 4 drops of lavender, 4 drops of geranium, and 4 drops of rose essential oil for the mid notes.

Finish with the top notes which are 8 drops of either sweet orange, or lemon essential oil.

DIYing a natural perfume

4. Shake well, store, and use

Once you’ve added these to the bottle, put the lid on tight and securely. Then shake well to combine the ingredients.

Allow the scents to meld together for at least a month in a cool, dark, dry place.

When it’s ready, shake the perfume before each use and apply it to your pulse points.

Applying DIY natural perfume

DIY natural perfume

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make perfume using natural perfume recipes.

Now that you understand the basics, you can experiment with scents that you love.

Leave me a comment to let me know which essential oils you use when you make your perfume. I love sharing and exchanging ideas with you. 

Next, learn How to DIY an Easy Eyelash Growth Serum for Fuller Lashes.

Suggested materials:
  • Dark glass bottle
  • Pure vodka
  • Patchouli essential oil
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