How to Make the Perfect Summer Dress From a Shirt in 10 Minutes

Quiana Unique
by Quiana Unique
4 Materials
10 Minutes

Hello, everyone. Today, I’m going to make a dress from a shirt. To be more specific, I’m going to turn a men’s shirt into a dress. I got this shirt on sale for $10, and it was such a great deal that I couldn’t wait to do this tutorial! If you’re interested in this technique and want to do your own DIY shirt to dress, let’s get started.

Tools and materials:

  • Men’s shirt
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Sewing materials
DIY shirt to dress

1. Cut 

Choose one of your favorite dresses to use as a pattern, and cut the shirt around it. The one I’m using stretches a little bit but not that much, making it the perfect choice. Make sure to leave a 1-1.5 inch seam allowance to allow adjustments if needed since men’s shirts aren’t that stretchy

DIY men's shirt to dress

2. Sew up the dress

Turn the dress inside out and pin along the lines of the dress, leaving the arm opening unpinned because you don’t want to sew the arms up. Then, sew it up using a straight stitch. You don’t have to do a zig-zag stitch, but I’ll be doing a zig-zag stitch after my straight stitch to finish up the edges. Since I don’t have a serger, this technique can kind of mimic that. 

how to make a dress out of a shirt

3. Sew the armholes

Fold down the fabric of the armholes a quarter of an inch. Feel free to use an iron to help you with this; I’m using some pins. You can also fold it down again if you want nice, crisp seam lines, but I decided not to. Then, sew up with a straight stitch.

how to make shirt into dress

How to Make a Dress From a Shirt Tutorial

Here’s the finished product of our DIY men's shirt to dress tutorial! I’ll be wearing this beautiful dress all spring and summer! What do you think? Let me know if you decide to try this out!

Suggested materials:
  • Men’s shirt
  • Scissors
  • Pins
See all materials

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