The Way You SHOULD Be Removing Your Tags From Clothing

by Stylefox

I’m going to show you a fashion hack I love for removing tags.

People usually cut off tags with scissors. This leaves a sharp edge from the tag that is irritating and itchy against the skin.

This is the way you should be removing your tags from clothing.

Tools and materials:

  • Clothing with tags
  • Nail file
How to remove clothing tags

1.. Gather your materials

Grab a nail file and the piece of clothing with tags you want to remove.

How to remove clothing tags

2. File off the tag

Pull the tag away from the garment. Instead of using scissors to cut it off, use the edge of the nail and begin filing. Briskly move the file back and forth until the tag comes off.

How to remove clothing tags

Fashion hack for removing clothing tags

Now you have a nice dulled edge from the nail file that won’t irritate your skin. In fact, you won’t even notice it. How brilliant is this hack? Give it a try and leave me a comment to let me know what you think.

Next, Wear Your Sweater Like THIS for a Better Fit .

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