How to Make a Headband - 3 Cool Ways to Make a Fabric Headband

Slow Fashion Style
by Slow Fashion Style
8 Materials
30 Minutes

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a headband in three different ways: a twisted headband, a knotted headband, and a braided headband. If you’ve got old t-shirts or extra strips of fabric at home, you can make these gorgeous DIY headbands for yourself or even to give away as gifts.

Let's learn how to make a fabric headband and how to make a headband out of a t-shirt!

Tools and materials:

  • Scissors
  • Fabric
  • T-shirt yarn
  • Ruler
  • Pen
  • Sewing machine
  • Needle
  • Thread
How to make a twisted headband

How to make a twisted headband

This simple headband looks anything but! This chic look takes under 5 minutes.

1. Cut the fabric

You’ll need 2 pieces of fabric about 12 inches or 30cm long and 4 inches or 10cm wide. You can use the same or contrasting colors, depending on what you want the finished piece to look like.

How to make a fabric headband

2. Assemble the pieces

Lay the first piece of fabric on a flat surface, then lay the second piece in a cross on top. Pull the bottom piece up with one hand and the second piece downward with your other hand. It will look like a chain.

DIY twisted headband

3. Sew the ends together

Flip it over and then sew the open parts straight across with a seam allowance of ¼ inch or 0.6cm. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you can hand sew this. Easy and beautiful!

How to make a knot headband

How to make a knot headband

This pretty headband uses two types of knots. 

1. Tie a Celtic knot

You’ll need 2 pieces of soft fabric about 15 inches or 40cm long and 2 inches or 6cm wide. The center is a Celtic knot made with both pieces of fabric. You can use the same color fabric or mix it up.

Lay the first piece down on a flat surface, making a loop by crossing over one of the legs at the halfway point. Pull open both of the legs.

Lay the second piece down with the center on top of the open legs with these legs going up towards the top of the loop. 

Making a Celtic knot with fabric

Put the right leg of the second piece underneath the first piece.

Knotting the fabric pieces together

Place the left leg under the loop itself. You’ll have part of the left leg over the loose end of your bottom fabric.

How to do a Celtic knot

Now, put the right side of the second strip under the left loose leg on top.

DIY headband tutorial

Once you have the Celtic knot in the center, you pull all the loose legs tightly together to hold.

Tying simple knots to make a knotted headband

2. Tie simple knots 

Begin tying simple knots on either side of the Celtic knot. To do a simple knot, create a loop, pull one leg through, and knot it tightly.

Knotted braid

Keep doing simple knots, leaving a few inches or centimeters at the end free of knots. Use your scissors to even out the unknotted ends. 

Making a knotted headband

3. Sew the ends

Sew these parts together with your machine using a ¼ inch or 0.6cm seam allowance or sew by hand.

DIY rope knot headband

Expect to receive compliments!

How to make a braided headband

How to make a braided headband

This headband takes a bit more time to make. It is totally worth it because the braiding is intricate and super beautiful, especially if you mix colors. You’ll need to use t-shirt yarn to make it.

If you don’t have t-shirt yarn, cut the body of a t-shirt horizontally from one seam to another and cut into strips about ½ inch or 1.3cm.

How to make a headband out of a t-shirt

1. Prepare your braid

Take 5 strips of 12 inches or 30cm of t-shirt yarn and tape them tightly down at the top with a piece of tape you can write on. Starting from the side furthest away from you, using your Sharpie or pen, number each piece 1 through 5. 

Spread out the t-shirt yarn and begin doing a 5-strand braid. This type of braid has 8 steps. It might be challenging in the beginning, so use this cheat sheet until you have the pattern down.

How to do a five-strand braid

2. Braid the t-shirt yarn

Follow this order for steps 1 through 8 for a 5-strand braid:

  • Put strand 1 over strand 2
  • Put strand 3 over strand 1
  • Put strand 5 over strand 4
  • Put strand 1 over strand 5
  • Put strand 2 over strand 3
  • Put strand 5 over strand 2
  • Put strand 4 over strand 1
  • Put strand 2 over strand 4

Keep a good grip on the fabric so you can keep the braid tight.

Braiding the t-shirt yarn

Keep doing this over and over again until you get about 2 inches or 5cm from the bottom. Trim any loose ends.

Making a braided headband

3. Sew the braid

Sew the ends together with a ¼ inch or 0.6cm seam allowance. You can also hand sew this. 

DIY braided headband

Though doing a braided headband takes a bit more patience, you’ll love the results!

Three different ways to make a headband

How to make a headband tutorial

Using old t-shirts or fabric scraps you can make gorgeous headbands at home. Let me know your feedback on this tutorial on how to make a headband in the comments below.

Which of these three headband styles would you wear most?

Suggested materials:
  • Scissors
  • Fabric
  • T-shirt yarn
See all materials

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