How to Shop Your Closet for the Ultimate Confidence-boosting Outfit
Today, I want to talk about how to shop your closet and build an outfit formula for confidence.
So often, we feel we need to buy new things when instead we already have everything we need to create a beautiful outfit that we're confident in.
It's just a matter of reframing how we see our clothes and how we can put these outfits together. So, I'm going to share that little equation or formula with you today.
1. Pull out a wardrobe star
The first part of this equation is including one of your wardrobe stars.
Those pieces that you go to all the time over and over again that you feel really good in you probably have more than one style or iteration of in your closet.
For me, that is a button-up shirt.
It really is the foundation piece of all of my favorite looks, and if I am flustered and I don't know what to wear, whenever I put a button-up shirt on, I feel great.
2. Show off your favorite feature
The next part of the equation is including a part of the outfit that shows off a favorite part of yourself.
Because we're human and our moods change day to day, this could be something different for you depending on where you're at in your life in your day or where you're going.
Usually, for me, I love my legs, but it could also be something that isn't physical, it could be your smile or your charm.
The exercise of finding something about yourself that you love and figuring out a way to interpret it through clothes can be really rewarding and just a nice confidence-boosting exercise in itself.
So, going back to my example, one way that I can show off my legs is through a pair of shorts. But, it could also be through a little skirt, a really interesting shoe that draws attention down to my legs, or a really cool belt.
3. Add something unexpected
The third part of the equation is usually my favorite, and that is something a little unexpected.
Usually, this translates to building tension within a look. So this could be in the form of an interesting color combination, or maybe it's textures that feel really interesting together.
A really easy way to create tension is to mix two very different styles together.
Because my look is taking on a little bit more of a masculine feel with the button-up shirt and a nice tailored pair of shorts, I'm going to counterbalance that with something that feels delicate.
I think shoes are some of the easiest ways to change up a look or add a little bit of tension, so I'm going to add my pointed-toe shoes.
You can also add tension to a look by styling pieces in a really risky or unexpected way. This is where you can also kind of edge yourself out of the comfort zone.
4. Accessorize!
The final part of the equation is extra bits like accessories.
So for this look, as an example, I'm going to lean more into that safer space, so I'm going to add a blazer which adds a little bit more structure.
But, to counterbalance that, I'm going to add a vintage silk scarf as a little floppy pocket square. I think the beauty of this is that it
isn't perfect and that it adds a little bit of slouch to a very tailored look.
I am also adding my paperclip necklace, which is something that I tend to wear very regularly.
This part of the equation also includes things like a signature scent, or maybe it's a scent that you wear only on special occasions. Maybe it's a bold red lip or a different way of styling your hair.
How to shop your closet
That is what I have for you today. I hope you found these tips for how to shop your closet helpful.
Let me know if you have something that you always add to your confidence-boosting looks in the comments below.
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