Turn Your Long Sleeve Blouse Into a Backless Top

1 Material
5 Minutes

If you’ve got a long sleeve blouse you’re bored with, I’ll show you how you can turn it into a backless top with no cutting or extra materials involved!

Tools and materials:

  • String
Bunching collar

1. Bunch the collar

Place the blouse up to your body where it would naturally sit.

Then, bunch up the collar in your hands.

Tying the collar

2. Tie the collar 

Use a string to tie the collar of the blouse with a singular knot.

Tying the collar

I used a white string like this so it matches the top and doesn’t stand out much.

Crossing string

3. Cross the string around your neck and tie the collar into a bow

Cross the string behind your neck. Bring the opposite ends down and tie them once more in the front of the bunched collar of the blouse. 

Tying bow

This time, tie it into a bow.


4. Adjust the collar

Adjust the collar so it flares out and isn’t bunched or wrinkled.

Pulling blouse taut

5. Pull the blouse taut

Pull the rest of the blouse taut against your body.

Securing blouse

6. Secure the blouse with a string

With another string, tie the blouse just under your chest. Like with your neck, cross it around the back twice. 

Tying string

7. Tie into a bow

Tie the string into a bow behind your back.

Turn your long sleeve blouse into a backless top

Here’s the finished top!

Turn your long sleeve blouse into a backless top

Turn your long sleeve blouse into a backless top

You can also tuck the blouse into your pants for an alternative, shorter look.

Let me know what you think about this backless top DIY in the comments below! Will you try it out?

Next, check out  An Easy Way to Salvage a Stained Blouse!

And, for more fashion hacks and style tips, you should follow me on

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Instagram:   @sivan_perezmalul

TikTok:   @sivanmalul

Suggested materials:
  • String

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